Friday, November 7, 2008

Shayla Worley: Born To Be Bad?

Well, rumors are going around around that A) Shayla's been kicked off the Superstar Tour, and B) It's because of underage drinking.


I can never see her drinking.
I guess that explains why she wasn't there Oct. 18th when I went to go see the tour.

In other Shayla news, SHE'S GOING TO SIGN WITH GEORGIA!!! AHHHHHHH! *Does happy dance*

Anyways. I'm sooooooo excited about that, because we're getting season tickets for this season and next season..I get to frigging SEE HER COMPETE in frigging PERSON. *Does happy dance again*.


Aight, well in news about me (I can hear y'all booing now.)...I might be going back to gymnastics. My coach wants to discuss it with me at 3:15 today, and frankly, I'm terrified. She says that If I want to I can just do Vault and Floor because I'm no good at bars, and I'm terrified of beam. Seriously. I get butterflies whenever we go to beam. Every. Single. Time.

I love competing floor, and I love my floor routine, so I'll probably be headed back to the gym. *Sighs* Right when I thought I'd ditched it..

But I'm not sure if I should, given that my knee and scoliosis are a problem...

My mom's trying to push me into going back, but right now I just need time to think.

If anyone hears anything about Shayla, e-mail me at or just comment here. :)

Thank you for reading He Kexin = 14! Come back next time!

Oh, P.S. is this not the coolest avatar thingy ever? (See below)

Too bad that I can't find where to change your display picture on Youtube anymore.

I like this one, too:

Demented little Shawn. :P


  1. Shawn does real gymnastics. Nastia is a rhythmic ballet type. Valeri should be embarressed. He did tripes and his daughter is totally underpowered.

  2. Please, if Nastia is so bad, why did she win the AA gold medal when Shawn hit 4 for 4 as well?

    Respect the gymnasts I post about or do not comment at all.

  3. Meredith said it all!

    Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!!!


  4. ummm...can't you respect BOTH nastia and shawn. they are uniquely different and both display the sport we all love.
    shawn has the raw power and youth
    nastia has the beauty and grace

    no need to become defensive.

  5. Yes you can respect both. I do! They both have their own unique qualities and it gives them both their own edge. It depends on what style the judges like better. OR whoever was just better that day. They ARE both amazing gymnasts.
