Friday, April 24, 2009

I'm going to go die now!

I'm stuck. I have like absolutely no montage ideas, haha.

Request? Somebody. lol. Please.

Hit me up on YouTube. ;)


  1. ok, well i don't have a youtube, but i have some ideas for you.not really requests... just ideas.
    1. sami shapiro!!!!!!
    2. not as well known gymnasts (i'm thinking of Corrie Lothrop and Kammerin Morre, but there are many others)
    3. amazing form (there had better be loads of Ivana Hong in this one...)
    4. smiles (shawn, sami shapiro, jiang yuyuan, etc.)
    5. choose a coach and do one about their gymnasts
    6. funny (or good, or bad, or cute...) dance
    7. the girls who will be gymdogs next year
    8. dream floor routine
    i think thats all of my ideas, hope i helped!
    p.s. anyone else who reads this, feel free to use these

  2. Just so you know, every time I visit your blog, it asks me to enter some Twitter information in a little thing that pops up. You can X out of it but I'm thinking perhaps something is wrong with your twitter feed or something. I dunno, I don't have a twitter, but I noticed ever since that box started popping up, it doesnt show anything under your twitter feed at the top right corner.

    PS. Please upload more gymnastia! :)

  3. Yes! More gymnastia!!!!!
