Wednesday, September 10, 2008

First Post.

So this is my inaugural blog post. Yayy. I've hopped onto the bandwagon, and joined the community of Gymnastics bloggers.

About the name: He Kexin = 14. It's true, spread the word.

'Kay, so. Enjoy the blog and visit my Youtube Channel.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    I'm writing to you because I run a site that links to other gymnastics sites called Links to Gymnastics ( The goal of my site is to make it easier for gymnastics fans to find gymnastics sites.

    I found your blog when I was searching the web for gymnastics and wanted to ask you if you'd like a link to your site from Links to Gymnastics.

    Either way I wish you all the best!

    Sorry for having to use a comment to send the message along. (Feel free to delete it) but I did not know any other way to send the message.

    If you've gotten a message like this I apologize for the duplication. The internet is a pretty big place and hard to keep track of sometimes.

    David F.P.
    davegymnastics at
