Saturday, October 25, 2008

This just in: He Kexin = 14's namesake has done it again...

'Kay so it just didn't come in. Apprentally Chinese Nationals have been done for a while now. Gosh, I'm behind. x_x

Hemhem. *Clears Throat* I still am KIND OF mad at the Chinese Team for *Cough*CHEATING*Cough* I still think Jiang Yuyan or however the heckadoo you spell her name, you know the one I'm talking about..With the cool floor routine..well, she's a cutie. I do have to admit her smile is kinda creepy.

On the other hand, He still looks a tad mentally retarded. Sorry if you don't like it, but it's true. You have to admit, it is a little true. I don't mean to offend anyone, BTW.

Cheng Fei won Vault. What in the world?! Thought she was retiring....?

I really do not want to cover Chinese Nationals. Sorry. I'll just poke fun at them with the pictures below. :D I'm soooo nice.

(The scary smile of Jiang Yuyan. Please don't ask me how to pronounce that. Her floor is a killer, though!! Oh, wait! She looks like a deformed muppet when she smiles..still. A CUTE deformed muppet.)

(He Kexin..Yes, you're so very Gangsta with your Gangsta hands. Not. Yangyi Lin is cute, though. :D The other one looks demented. o_o)
(Hiiiii. *Waves* My names He. I'm special. I'm Fourte-.)
(Ooh. Shinnnnny. Wait, what's this? I must have taken it from some deserving gymnast! Even though my bars are amazing, and extremely difficult they shouldn't have been amazing at the Olympics 'cuz I wasn't supposed to be there! Oopsies! I wasn't supposed to tell you that!)

'Aight, well, later.

Please don't get offended. This is just good, clean fun. I respect the Chinese Gymnasts for all their hard work and their great gymnastics, including their perfect artistry, and extreme difficulty.