Saturday, January 17, 2009

Nastia Liukin Wheaties Box CONFIRMED.

Go! Go now! Well, actually wait 'till AFTER you read this awesome blog. :P

So, The Nastia Liukin Wheaties Box IS out in stores right now..I bought mine today.

So, Go Get 'Em!


  1. omg yay yay yay! I thought it was already out and I missed it or something. I'm so excited now!!!! Wheaties are gross. I'll eat them for Nastia tho.

  2. Don't eat them, Rose!! Keep it as a valuable item..if you're ever poor in, like 10 years you can sell and unopened Wheaties box for, like, $800! Last time I checked, on Ebay the Mag. 7 Wheaties box was going for almost a grand!

    And Wheaties are nasty. :x
